~ SIGIL August Update ~

Hi Everyone!

I hope this finds each of you having a good summer, and staying cool, wherever you are. SIGIL has been hard at work all summer long and only coming up for air long enough to occasionally play in the Pacific Northwest wilderness. I’m currently working on not 1, 2 but 3 new jewelry collections on the tails of the successful first Iceland Collection. I have also been updating, and really trying to gear up, the SIGIL official website. As of this writing, many of the best seller SIGIL leather products are now available through the website but you can still peruse all available products on the Etsy webstore. My vision is one day to use SIGIL as my primary vehicle for all products and happenings.

Take a look and let me know what you think: sigil-studio.com

August 2018

I am leaving on a family trip tomorrow morning so, as the wind blows, I’m headed east for about a week and will look for new inspiration, as always, in the little towns and rolling hills that I encounter quite often on trips like these.

The Etsy store will be closed while I am gone but feel free to send any messages to me as I’m on the road. Once I’m back I’ll be heading immediately into set up at the Seattle Tattoo Expo. This will be the first time SIGIL is taking part as a vendor and I couldn’t be more excited! Hope to see you there if you live in Seattle.

That’s it for now. Have a great week!

Anita / SIGIL


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