Super Seven Pendants Are (at Long Last) Here!

Promo Triptych

Today is such an exciting day! Join us at SIGIL as we celebrate the release of 3 stunning Super Seven mineral pendants, available exclusively on These pieces are a SIGIL favorite, yet rarely in stock.

What makes them special and so infrequently available at SIGIL? Super Seven stones, by nature, embody a unique blend of seven minerals. This blend results in a wide variety of how one stone appears compared to the next. The Super Seven stones used for SIGIL pendants are hand-picked by the designer for their exceptional structure, superb color and physical features such as striations, unusual ridges, color, and – most importantly – a band of opaque-to-clear quartz that runs along the outer edge of each piece. This is not an easy-to-find feature of Super Seven stones, and we don’t rest until we find just the right look for our pendants.

What exactly are Super Seven Minerals? Super Seven (aka. Melody Stone) is a stone that contains seven different individual minerals. The seven minerals in super seven are:

• Amethyst

• Cacoxenite

• Clear quartz

• Geothite

• Rutile

• Smoky quartz

• Lepidocrocite

This combination is called “The Grand Formation” and is only found in one location in the world Esparito Santo, Brazil.

The single stone contains all of the energies of each of the seven minerals, and therefore is very powerful. The seven minerals in the Super Seven stone are said to resonate with the seven main chakras of the body. Among other things, it is said to be a grounding stone and help with overall wellness.