Super Seven Pendants Are (at Long Last) Here!

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Today is such an exciting day! Join us at SIGIL as we celebrate the release of 3 stunning Super Seven mineral pendants, available exclusively on These pieces are a SIGIL favorite, yet rarely in stock.

What makes them special and so infrequently available at SIGIL? Super Seven stones, by nature, embody a unique blend of seven minerals. This blend results in a wide variety of how one stone appears compared to the next. The Super Seven stones used for SIGIL pendants are hand-picked by the designer for their exceptional structure, superb color and physical features such as striations, unusual ridges, color, and – most importantly – a band of opaque-to-clear quartz that runs along the outer edge of each piece. This is not an easy-to-find feature of Super Seven stones, and we don’t rest until we find just the right look for our pendants.

What exactly are Super Seven Minerals? Super Seven (aka. Melody Stone) is a stone that contains seven different individual minerals. The seven minerals in super seven are:

• Amethyst

• Cacoxenite

• Clear quartz

• Geothite

• Rutile

• Smoky quartz

• Lepidocrocite

This combination is called “The Grand Formation” and is only found in one location in the world Esparito Santo, Brazil.

The single stone contains all of the energies of each of the seven minerals, and therefore is very powerful. The seven minerals in the Super Seven stone are said to resonate with the seven main chakras of the body. Among other things, it is said to be a grounding stone and help with overall wellness.



October News from SIGIL

Happy October! We are so glad that Fall has arrived. Here in the Studio, we love when things cool off and the leaves turn golden and red. Inspired by this change of season, we have some very exciting updates to bring you.

GHVST Collection Launches Friday, Oct 19th

G⃒H⃒V⃒S⃒T⃒ C⃒O⃒L⃒L⃒R⃒C⃒T⃒I⃒O⃒N⃒ ➕ Phantom and Skeletal Quartz Crystal Jewelry just in time for the Haunting Season 🦇🕷🌙➕ I have been meticulously working on this collection since the first cool breeze signaled a change in the seasons. Inspired by Samhain, and the thinning of the veil, SIGIL brings you phantom quartz and skeletal quartz pieces that fit in perfectly in a haunted mansion and paired with your Autumn wardrobe. Sign up for updates and view the Collection when it launches Oct 19th on:


New Super 7 Minerals Are In!

One of the most well-loved minerals here at SIGIL is the Super Seven/Super 7 (aka. Melody Stone). I have acquired 3 hard-to-come-by Super Seven stones with the gorgeous layering I look for (clear-opaque layer along the outer edge). I will be turning these three gorgeous pieces into pendants over the next few weeks and releasing them on Stay tuned!


Iceland Collection II Launch

I am tremendously excited to announce the coming launch of the SIGIL Iceland Collection II late this Fall! Stay tuned for sneak peeks as we delve deeper into the inspiration behind the pieces that will be included in this expanded new jewelry collection. Timed perfectly for pre-Yule season, each piece carries significance from the land of Fire & Ice, and makes a passionate and unique gift. Make sure to sign up for announcements at:

Budir Black Church Iceland Coll II Promo Poster.jpg

Thank you for a fantastic year so far and I look forward to seeing you at one of the market events I have planned in Seattle! Check out and Follow SIGIL on Instagram for daily updates!

~ Anita / SIGIL

Bronze & Silver Pendants by SIGIL

New bronze and sterling silver jewelry is now available from SIGIL, designed in an exclusive collaboration with sculptor Jason Soles. I am personally in love with bronze right now, and these are my favorite pieces to hit the shop this season!

The cast bronze Vintage Baby Doll Head Pendant is molded off a 1940’s ceramic baby doll head dug from the grounds of a former doll German factory! It’s been in my personal collection for the good part of a decade and I’m so thrilled to be bringing it to life in a completely fresh new way. The pendant has a hollow center and a reassuring weight that feels good to wear.

The cast bronze Antler Pendant was molded off of a beautiful, simple antler piece that is smooth and has a subtle curve. Both the doll head pendant and antler are polished without a patina to a high shine and looks amazing when worn against a solid black or white dress or shirt.

Check out both designs now by clicking HERE

SIGIL Tibetan Quartz Mini Collection is Live!

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More than 16,000 feet high in the windswept, icy Himalayan mountain range, a specific type of quartz crystal is found, known as the Tibetan quartz. Inspired by this remote, dramatic region of the world, SIGIL presents a mini jewelry collection of seven incredibly clear, Tibetan quartz pendants with names inspired by the sacred peaks found in this region. Each crystal is unique, perfect in its natural raw state with signature clarity and unique features.

Shop the new collection now at:

~ SIGIL August Update ~

Hi Everyone!

I hope this finds each of you having a good summer, and staying cool, wherever you are. SIGIL has been hard at work all summer long and only coming up for air long enough to occasionally play in the Pacific Northwest wilderness. I’m currently working on not 1, 2 but 3 new jewelry collections on the tails of the successful first Iceland Collection. I have also been updating, and really trying to gear up, the SIGIL official website. As of this writing, many of the best seller SIGIL leather products are now available through the website but you can still peruse all available products on the Etsy webstore. My vision is one day to use SIGIL as my primary vehicle for all products and happenings.

Take a look and let me know what you think:

August 2018

I am leaving on a family trip tomorrow morning so, as the wind blows, I’m headed east for about a week and will look for new inspiration, as always, in the little towns and rolling hills that I encounter quite often on trips like these.

The Etsy store will be closed while I am gone but feel free to send any messages to me as I’m on the road. Once I’m back I’ll be heading immediately into set up at the Seattle Tattoo Expo. This will be the first time SIGIL is taking part as a vendor and I couldn’t be more excited! Hope to see you there if you live in Seattle.

That’s it for now. Have a great week!

Anita / SIGIL


SIGIL Sale & Updates

Happy Memorial Day! The last few hours of the 20% off SIGIL Sale is upon us and thank you to those of you who have picked up this weekend. If you are learning about this just now, it’s not too late! Just enter MEMDAY2018 into checkout for 20% off your entire SIGIL purchase at:

Secondly, SIGIL is about to travel to Finland for a few weeks in June. I am very excited to be returning! During this time, the SIGIL store will be on sale and any pieces in the Iceland Collection will be shipped after June 20th. For those in the Nordic countries or EU, now is a great time to contact me regarding a purchase. The store will be otherwise closed from June 1st – 20th.

Finally, tomorrow will see a shop update with a fresh batch of my new favorite mineral – lithium quartz! I have several new lithium quartz pendants ready for release that I recently discovered and fell in love with. If you are unfamiliar with Lithium Quartz, the metaphysical properties associated with this particular mineral, from Brazil, primarily surround healing and reduction of stress and focuses on the Heart Chakra. Lithium quartz contains lithium, and is reputed to work on releasing stress in the individual and brings emotional peace and relaxation. The color varies from a subtle lavender to a dark mauve, and is truly a beauty.

That’s it for now! Have a peaceful and spectacular night.

~ Anita / SIGIL

SIGIL SALE Memorial Day 2018

Springtime News from the Studio: Jewelry and Metalwork!

Happy Spring, Everyone! This is clearly an overdue sentiment, because most of the Northern Hemisphere is by now warmed up and has seen the last of the winter storms. With Beltane behind us and flowers in full bloom (pretty as they are, I feel you, my fellow allergy-sufferers) many of us are heeding the drive to create and move rapidly forward with our plans for the year. We are no exception.

Here in the SIGIL studio, we have some exciting developments in jewelry, specifically metalwork. If you’ve noticed, what begun as mini pendants have grown into a considerable line of raw minerals on offer, including the new ICELAND Collection (available on True to our brand, SIGIL jewelry is inspired by the rugged terrains of lands that rise from the sea in far-off regions of the globe. Quartz crystal formed deep in the earth is polished to resemble the melting ice while smoky quartz pays homage to the Old Norse mythology of Fenrir. We shed the winter cloak by introducing unexpected color options to the traditional muted SIGIL palette in the form of amethyst and citrine, along with statement agate slices from Washington State, which have been polished and finished in-house. The most exciting offering, however, comes in the form of brand new metal jewelry. Shown below is the first vintage doll head created in the studio from bronze and finished with nickel-plating. The entire process is time-consuming, takes multiple stages and follows the tradition of bronze work that has been followed for centuries. Truly exciting!

Watch the studio closely over the next few months as we forge more and continue to experiment with new techniques. We will be taking a brief hiatus next month as we travel to Finland where the next SIGIL Collection is brewing, along with an exciting collaboration that I believe will take us to new levels that, just last year, I could have only dreamed of.

Until next time!


SIGIL Bronze Baby Closeup

Hrafna-Flóki’s 3 Ravens – The Iceland Collection

Hrafna-Flóki promo

A closer look at the third category in the new SIGIL Iceland Collection launching tomorrow: Hrafna-Flóki. It is fabled that when the Norseman Flóki sailed from Norway to Iceland in the 9th century, he took with him three ravens to help guide him. Through this, he earned his nickname Hrafna-Flóki, or “Raven Flóki”. Flóki set the ravens free near the Faroe Islands, halfway between Norway and Iceland. The first raven flew to the Faroe Islands without returning. The second flew close to the ship before returning with no news. The third, however, flew ahead of Flóki’s ship, guiding it all the way to Iceland.

The 3 black kyanite pendants in the Iceland Collection are symbolic pieces to commemorate the ravens’ important role in Hrafna-Flóki’s first journey to Iceland. Each piece resembles one of Hrafna-Flóki’s ravens’ wings. Kyanite is reputed to have properties as a strong “connector” mineral for transmission of healing energy for the wearer and in bridging gaps in communication with others. It is a grounding mineral.

The new Iceland Collection launches tomorrow morning at 10:00am PST on the SIGIL website. Each of the 13 pieces are carefully curated and follow the six categories listed below. Each tell a story of the rugged landscape and folklore. Shop the Collection by clicking here.

Thanks for following along!



Iceland Collection – Two Days Away!!

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I am so thrilled for the launch of the Iceland Collection, only two days from today! Out of the thirteen pieces and six categories (listed in the prior post) I honestly think the Smokey Quartz # 1 (pictured above) might be my absolute favorite. I keep changing my mind as I look through them, but keep coming back to this one.

The Hverir region in Northern Iceland may be also the most outer worldly location I’ve visited on the island. This is why I picked it as the inspiration for the three smokey quartz pieces in the collection:

A closer look at the second category in the new SIGIL Iceland Collection: Hverir Geothermal Area.

North Iceland has notable geothermal areas in and around Lake Myvatn, the most dramatic being Hverir Geothermal Area with Namafjall mountain looming in the distance. The landscape is marked with mudpots, steam vents and fumaroles (an opening in the planet’s crust) that pump steam in heavy, warm clouds of steam and gas from the earth. Here, the colors range from light gray to muddy beige with a backdrop of smokey brown-gray steam.

This surreal landscape is embodied in the Smokey Quartz clusters of the SIGIL Iceland Collection. Each beautiful piece has its own characteristics, from double terminations to small twins partially emerged from the primary piece. Smokey quartz is associated with grounding and protection properties, including the neutralization of negative energies and detoxification.


Join me on Sat, April 21st at 10:00am PST at for the grand launch and find your personal favorite.
