SIGIL Sale & Updates

Happy Memorial Day! The last few hours of the 20% off SIGIL Sale is upon us and thank you to those of you who have picked up this weekend. If you are learning about this just now, it’s not too late! Just enter MEMDAY2018 into checkout for 20% off your entire SIGIL purchase at:

Secondly, SIGIL is about to travel to Finland for a few weeks in June. I am very excited to be returning! During this time, the SIGIL store will be on sale and any pieces in the Iceland Collection will be shipped after June 20th. For those in the Nordic countries or EU, now is a great time to contact me regarding a purchase. The store will be otherwise closed from June 1st – 20th.

Finally, tomorrow will see a shop update with a fresh batch of my new favorite mineral – lithium quartz! I have several new lithium quartz pendants ready for release that I recently discovered and fell in love with. If you are unfamiliar with Lithium Quartz, the metaphysical properties associated with this particular mineral, from Brazil, primarily surround healing and reduction of stress and focuses on the Heart Chakra. Lithium quartz contains lithium, and is reputed to work on releasing stress in the individual and brings emotional peace and relaxation. The color varies from a subtle lavender to a dark mauve, and is truly a beauty.

That’s it for now! Have a peaceful and spectacular night.

~ Anita / SIGIL

SIGIL SALE Memorial Day 2018