October News from SIGIL

Happy October! We are so glad that Fall has arrived. Here in the Studio, we love when things cool off and the leaves turn golden and red. Inspired by this change of season, we have some very exciting updates to bring you.

GHVST Collection Launches Friday, Oct 19th

G⃒H⃒V⃒S⃒T⃒ C⃒O⃒L⃒L⃒R⃒C⃒T⃒I⃒O⃒N⃒ ➕ Phantom and Skeletal Quartz Crystal Jewelry just in time for the Haunting Season 🦇🕷🌙➕ I have been meticulously working on this collection since the first cool breeze signaled a change in the seasons. Inspired by Samhain, and the thinning of the veil, SIGIL brings you phantom quartz and skeletal quartz pieces that fit in perfectly in a haunted mansion and paired with your Autumn wardrobe. Sign up for updates and view the Collection when it launches Oct 19th on: sigil-studio.com


New Super 7 Minerals Are In!

One of the most well-loved minerals here at SIGIL is the Super Seven/Super 7 (aka. Melody Stone). I have acquired 3 hard-to-come-by Super Seven stones with the gorgeous layering I look for (clear-opaque layer along the outer edge). I will be turning these three gorgeous pieces into pendants over the next few weeks and releasing them on sigil-studio.com. Stay tuned!


Iceland Collection II Launch

I am tremendously excited to announce the coming launch of the SIGIL Iceland Collection II late this Fall! Stay tuned for sneak peeks as we delve deeper into the inspiration behind the pieces that will be included in this expanded new jewelry collection. Timed perfectly for pre-Yule season, each piece carries significance from the land of Fire & Ice, and makes a passionate and unique gift. Make sure to sign up for announcements at: sigil-studio.com

Budir Black Church Iceland Coll II Promo Poster.jpg

Thank you for a fantastic year so far and I look forward to seeing you at one of the market events I have planned in Seattle! Check out and Follow SIGIL on Instagram for daily updates!

~ Anita / SIGIL

Bronze & Silver Pendants by SIGIL

New bronze and sterling silver jewelry is now available from SIGIL, designed in an exclusive collaboration with sculptor Jason Soles. I am personally in love with bronze right now, and these are my favorite pieces to hit the shop this season!

The cast bronze Vintage Baby Doll Head Pendant is molded off a 1940’s ceramic baby doll head dug from the grounds of a former doll German factory! It’s been in my personal collection for the good part of a decade and I’m so thrilled to be bringing it to life in a completely fresh new way. The pendant has a hollow center and a reassuring weight that feels good to wear.

The cast bronze Antler Pendant was molded off of a beautiful, simple antler piece that is smooth and has a subtle curve. Both the doll head pendant and antler are polished without a patina to a high shine and looks amazing when worn against a solid black or white dress or shirt.

Check out both designs now by clicking HERE

SIGIL Sale & Updates

Happy Memorial Day! The last few hours of the 20% off SIGIL Sale is upon us and thank you to those of you who have picked up this weekend. If you are learning about this just now, it’s not too late! Just enter MEMDAY2018 into checkout for 20% off your entire SIGIL purchase at: etsy.com/shop/SIGILbyanitaarora

Secondly, SIGIL is about to travel to Finland for a few weeks in June. I am very excited to be returning! During this time, the SIGIL store will be on sale and any pieces in the Iceland Collection will be shipped after June 20th. For those in the Nordic countries or EU, now is a great time to contact me regarding a purchase. The store will be otherwise closed from June 1st – 20th.

Finally, tomorrow will see a shop update with a fresh batch of my new favorite mineral – lithium quartz! I have several new lithium quartz pendants ready for release that I recently discovered and fell in love with. If you are unfamiliar with Lithium Quartz, the metaphysical properties associated with this particular mineral, from Brazil, primarily surround healing and reduction of stress and focuses on the Heart Chakra. Lithium quartz contains lithium, and is reputed to work on releasing stress in the individual and brings emotional peace and relaxation. The color varies from a subtle lavender to a dark mauve, and is truly a beauty.

That’s it for now! Have a peaceful and spectacular night.

~ Anita / SIGIL

SIGIL SALE Memorial Day 2018

March News and Welcome Back

Hello Everyone! I am back from a very long hiatus in blogging and have lots to announce over the next few weeks. I am happy to report that I have now taken on SIGIL full-time and this means there is much growth and exciting opportunities brewing in 2018.

I have just returned from Iceland and am brimming with inspiration for the latest SIGIL jewelry collection. I have dipped my design feet into the ice-cold waters and soaked in the rugged landscapes of the land of SIGIL inspiration. Watch this space for announcements for the collection that is coming soon!

Looking back to this winter, the highlight was the SIGIL winter photoshoot that saw the soft launch of the Tribe Collection with the first style, the SIGIL cape.

In other news, the SIGIL core collection of pouches and ID purses has seen the addition of beautiful, snow-white NZ deer hide leather which make a clean, crisp addition to any minimalist wardrobe and a fresh alternative to your standard black color palette.

As we spring forward into April, I will be setting up my booth at a few Seattle locations and bringing you new works in person. If you live in the Puget Sound area, or plan to visit Seattle next month, stop by!

SIGIL Cape, Winter Photoshoot
SIGIL Cape, Winter Forest Photoshoot Photography by: Jim Graham Model: Haley Stats Makeup: Amy Phillips


Last of the Summer Wine

Thank you to everyone who came to West Elm this past Saturday in Seattle. It was a great turnout and beautiful weather to boot! As a result, I am nearly sold out on leather cuffs and appreciated hearing the feedback on the brand-new leather notebook cover.

The SIGIL studio is currently in full restock mode in prep for Fall and we will be taking a short break in September to travel to Iceland for some much-needed inspiration and travel time. Upon my return I will be gearing up for the HP Lovecraft film festival taking place in Portland, OR in early October. If you live in the Northwest I highly recommend attending.

Speaking of travel, look out for another new addition to the SIGIL family specifically to house and protect your passport…

As we look to Fall, expect some exciting updates including production of the long awaited tote bag.

Until then…

-Anita / SIGIL split screen

SIGIL goes Lilac for Summer 2016

Lilac Lambskin ID purse Summer 2016

Last we spoke, the seasons were turning from gloomy winter into the first hints of spring. What a difference a month makes! One of the first things you’ll see different in the SIGIL accessories line is the introduction of embossing for veg tan leather logo labels. As well as the textile labels have worked, embossing provides a far more finished, professional look – it’s time for SIGIL to make this leap. Combined with the introduction of our Lilac Lambskin ID/card/coin purse, I hope you are as excited as I am for this summer’s lighter collection..whilst keeping to the darker side that is the heart of the SIGIL brand.

Look for more in the Summer 2016 Collection coming soon!

~ Anita / SIGIL

Spring Colors vs Holding onto the Dark

Burgundy leather messenger

There is a real struggle for any woman of the dark when warmer days arrive and the time comes to not only lighten ones wardrobe in fiber count, but decide whether to lighten up in color too. Fortunately, black summer dresses are a safe option, but in the process of creating accessories, as winter sheds its heavy coat, I’m noticing a desire to experiment with lighter shades while adopting the challenge of maintaining brand identity. Can this be done?


The key to this, as with any brand, is allowing the stretching of ones’ wings with a little experimentation and room to breathe new life into an established framework to prevent stagnation. SIGIL is a new brand, but even new designs need freshening throughout the year.

True to the inspiration of SIGIL, I concluded a turning of the soil builds strength and freshening up is therefore in the works. The key is pace and a steady progression is the recipe.

Grey and Coffee closeup.jpg

Check out the Etsy store for new, lighter shades as the world slowly wakes up and sheds its outer layer. 2016 SIGIL has many bold plans in the horizon, but it’s time to ease into these ideas by taking “bold” tiny steps away from the dark.


Tea Staining & Collaboration

SIGIL just celebrated one year last Fall, so come November it was time to embark on the first artist collaboration.

Folded Macro Tea Stained X-Long Clear Jason Soles, also based in Seattle, has many years experience as a sculptor and creator of resin replica skulls (if you are unfamiliar, take a look at his work at his Etsy store).

Being that I have a background in apparel yet primarily now work in leather, I was craving an outlet for using fabric, coupled with leather and harder textures to create a wearable landscape previously not explored by either Jason Soles nor I.

Taking a look at our individual skill set, we distilled aspects of our distinct styles and designed a pair of Extra Large linen scarves in black and tea-stained, the latter of which was an adventure in old-world techniques. Sticking to SIGIL’s focus on natural fabrics, we chose a medium-weight cream linen and researched natural staining methods. To obtain the deep neutral tone that you see in the photograph above, we added coffee and went thrift shopping for the largest cooking pot we could find. Not to mention 40 tea bags…

Tea Staining Fabric Bowl

Letting our “brew” steep overnight on the stovetop with a low heat (the kitchen smelled divine), the following morning we pulled the 2 yards of very wet, but fantastically tanned fabric (see above). Now what to do?

Jason Tea Staining

Yes, squeeze and ring out every possible drop (it felt like 5lbs..) – not as easy as it sounds.

Hanging Tea Stained Linen Fabric

We left the damp fabric to drip dry another night, then folded it over a towel rail to settle. The variations in the hues showed themselves as the fabric slowly dried.

Leather ends.jpg

Next up: preparing the leather, measuring the fabric, ironing (numerous times, thank you linen) and constructing the pieces. In addition to collaborating on the fabric:leather designing, Jason contributed (and hand-drilled) resin replica quail bird skulls for stitching on one end of the scarves as a “fringe”. Gives a new definition to “Dark Boho”.


Tea Stained X-Long Sewing

Tea Stained Extra Long Finished Folded

After a full day of construction, Voila! We have the SIGIL/Jason Soles collaboration of a one-of-a-kind Fall/Winter designer scarf, hand-dyed, bearing a respectable weight and length at a finished length of approx. 1.5 yards x 12.5″ wide.

You can find the finished scarf on the SIGIL Etsy store as well as the black linen companion we did.

Black and Tea Stained Linen X-Long

More collaborations are in the works for 2016! Stayed tuned…

Anita / SIGIL